
Bugularity (Morbid Cookie Gravity DynaMix)

#BugMartini | #blameAdam

Triptych detail of Bug Martini by Adam Huber, 27 June 2018.Something about mope and faith, or Mopey the Morbid Angel, at which point we find ourselves obliged to reckon with Cookie Monster, and then the Universe collapses into the gravity of this nexus of cascading invocation and eternity; a bug in the system stacks to overflow, accretes to singularity. Blame Adam when it all comes whimpering to a pathetic end.


Image note: Triptych detail of Bug Martini by Adam Huber, 27 June 2018.

A Minor Detail (Tennessee Six)

Detail of frame from FLCL episode 5, 'Brittle Bullet'.

Perhaps it seems nitpickety, but if we attend the setup from Steve Benen

In the aftermath of the deadly school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, opponents of gun reforms came up with quite a few culprits to blame for the bloodshed. None of them, of course, included easy access to firearms.

The public should blame the number of doors at the school, for example. And abortion. And video games. And Ritalin, secularism, Common Core, and trench coats.

And while some of this was expected—the right consistently tries to steer public discussions away from guns after mass shootings—Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) broke new ground when she tried to connect school shootings and porn.

—and the detail via Jennifer Bendery

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

—it seems well enough to note Mr. Benen’s punch line—

Her argument raised a variety of questions, though I’m inclined to start with this one: where exactly is Diane Black buying her groceries?

—might be leading with the wrong question. To the other, who really wants to make the point when the result means listening to a bunch of Republicans talking about internet pornography.


Divinely Buggy Infamy

#blameAdam | #thehashtag

Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 23 May 2018.If trying to explain everything amiss, askew, or awry about this panel seems an agonizing prospect, we can most certainly blame Adam.

Any other day I might have gone with panel two, but something about this makes me wonder at the four-panel comic strip version of The Aristocrats.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 23 May 2018.

Nutty Buggery. Buggy Nuttery. Whatever.


'They Really Dropped the Balls' - Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 29 April 2018.Should occasion arise to suggest Eight Dollar Testicle is not #MyNextBandName, well, of course we can blame Adam. Kind of like Venkman and Jell-O, that way; there is always room to blame Adam. The eternal question, of course, is do bugs have nuts.

No, it isn’t.

Rule of thumb: When blaming Adam, the eternal question is whether you really, really want to know.

Of course you do.

And, Bugnuts. Now there’s a band name.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 29 April 2018.

A Clutch Performance

Detail of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, by Zach Weiner, 19 March 2018.If we say it could be worse, that speaks nothing of the actual comic strip itself, in this case, Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, by the one and only Zach Weiner.

If we go with something about Aquaman and the fish fertilizer farm, is that too arcane?

Not an Epitaph

He was just a mute! (Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 21 February 2018.It isn’t an epitaph.

Look, any number of jokes go here, like the second panel and how the one bug with the axe needs to be named Ed because something goes here about thirty years.

Still, though, the fourth panel is a killer. No, really, file under, “Holy shit!” and blame Adam.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini by Adam Huber, 21 February 2018.

Three People, or, Twit l’Iver

#lulz | #WhatTheyVotedFor

John Moe (@johnmoe): This is three people: Rick Gates, the bass player for a Canadian Bon Iver cover band, and your mom's third husband Steve. [via Twitter, 18 February 2018]

This is John Moe:

This is three people: Rick Gates, the bass player for a Canadian Bon Iver cover band, and your mom’s third husband Steve.

Alex Brandon’s photo for Associated Press is very possibly iconic.

A Note on Why the Internet Goes to Hell When It Dies


Did you Know? In 2009, Eminem tweeted proof that he scored 465,800 in Donkey Kong, making him one of the highest scorers in the world. [via, 11 November 2017]The Internet—(no, I do not like Capitalizing the Word)—sees fit to inform me that—

In 2009, Eminem tweeted proof that he scored 465,800 in Donkey Kong, making him one of the highest scorers in the world.

(via; #nevermind)

—and no, it is true I did not know this before; nor is it clear how I should feel about this information. No, seriously, other than the fact that some editor somewhere saw fit to include a trivial widget to tell me stuff like this, I had precisely no reason to care.

Meanwhile, something, something, and now for something completely different.   

Hey, how about this: If I blame Tom Clancy, how fucking smart are you?