
Probably the End of Nothing

#WhereIsCricket | #WhatTheyVotedFor

It’s one thing to say something like, the partisan, Ron Filipkowki, observes―

I’m still trying to figure out the angle of why the puppy homicide details were in the book. To show toughness? Promote the 2nd Amendment? Ruthlessness? Ability to make difficult decisions? I’m trying to figure out where a positive arguably outweighs the obvious negative.

―but the way things are, we ought lend that word, partisan, only so much value. The former prosecutor, and former Republican, might be an anti-Trump activist, but consider what has happened if this sort of basic political analysis is somehow especially subtle.

It’s the sort of drum we can bang over and over on a slow march along a downward road, but history makes clear that some proverbial they really do never learn. There is no rock bottom for this self-inflicted spiral.

It is hard to share the faith that the terrible story of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem boasting about how she slew a puppy should kill a political career as dead as the dog. Or the goat. To the one, the last twenty years, at least, ought to make the point: There is no rock bottom. To the other, remember, these are Republicans. These are conservatives. It’s one thing if, as the saying goes, the cruelty is the point. But it is also important to consider what else people think Republican voters want to hear. Child labor? Birth control crackpottery? Children in labor? How long has it been since Milo said what, and still managed to stick around long enough to have a public Nazi scandal make him the poster boy for deplatforming¹, and things have only gotten worse. Detail of cartoon by Matt Bors, 31 January 2017.There is now a Nazi bloc in Congress, and the presumptive Republican nominee is an authoritarian with dictatorial ambitions, admirer of notorious strongmen, and has a long history of showing white supremacist and even neo-Nazi sympathies; meanwhile, his strongest GOP challenger wants to be a Nazi mom.

And toward all that, it is worth considering Charlotte Clymer’s suggestion that “Kristi Noem decided that she needed a way to set herself apart from other prospective Trump running mates by demonstrating to him that she can: 1) be ruthless and 2) ‘trigger the libs’ effortlessly.” Whether or not Noem miscalculated “that only liberals would be outraged, and she’d be able to laugh through it all” remains to be seen; while conservatives pretend outrage, the question will not be answered until it is time to either vote for her or not.


Image note: Cartoon by Matt Bors, 31 January 2017.

¹ A brief trend in alt-right and libertarian complaint almost immediately preceding “cancel culture”; despite the actual accuracy of the term, the complaint did not stick.

@cmclymer. “My theory: Kristi Noem decided that she needed a way to set herself apart from other prospective Trump running mates by demonstrating to him that she can: 1) be ruthless and 2) “trigger the libs” effortlessly.” X. 26 April 2024.

@RonFilipkowski. “I’m still trying to figure out the angle of why the puppy homicide details were in the book…”. X. 28 April 2024.

The Easy Joke

Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press, 28 April 2024

Okay, I confess, I don’t believe it: No true Maga would say, “At least Trump can put two sentences together.”

(Waiting on the narrator.)


Image note: Cartoon by Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press, 28 April 2024.

Our American Circumstance: How It’s Going

Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, 20 March 2024 - Signs declare, 'Warning Dictatorship!', 'Americans Stop!' and 'Go Back!', as people fail to notice, dutifully filing through the door as they watch their mobile phones.

“We lift our heads. Something has changed. Somewhere, at some time in the destruction, something awful happened. We stopped our forward move toward being humane, and are slipping quickly backward to the state of animals. The trains still run nearly on time, but we do not. What sustained our hearts and hopes is gone.”

― Jack Cady


Image note: Cartoon by Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 20 March 2024

Cady, Jack. The American Writer: Shaping a Nation’s Mind. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999.

Bugularity (Morbid Cookie Gravity DynaMix)

#BugMartini | #blameAdam

Triptych detail of Bug Martini by Adam Huber, 27 June 2018.Something about mope and faith, or Mopey the Morbid Angel, at which point we find ourselves obliged to reckon with Cookie Monster, and then the Universe collapses into the gravity of this nexus of cascading invocation and eternity; a bug in the system stacks to overflow, accretes to singularity. Blame Adam when it all comes whimpering to a pathetic end.


Image note: Triptych detail of Bug Martini by Adam Huber, 27 June 2018.

A Note on Civility and Equivocation

#wellduh | #WhatTheyVotedFor

Radical Centrism 101: Detail of cartoon by Matt Lubchansky, via The Nib, 31 May 2017.

In such time as we have to reflect on notions of civility and politic, and observing its coincidence in which we grasp both desperately and often belligerently after comparisons in history, it does occur that sometimes these lines of thought and inquiry merge or intersect or whatever else they might do, and from this nexus arises a question worth considering:

• While rhetoric of conservative backlash often drew puzzlement and even mockery, and centrists, liberals, progressives, and leftists alike have scrambled to remind women, queers, and blacks what happens when we make too much uncivil noise, like winning court cases or wondering who would actually claim a religious right to actively sabotage health care, there is also an iteration of Green Lantern Theory whereby President Obama could reconcile the political factions by simply charming and schmoozing Republicans enough, including that he should never speak common platitudes of empathy because, being a black president, doing so apparently means one is trying to start a race war; and, yes, it seems worth wondering just how much worse the conservative and crossover payback would have been had the nation’s first black president gone on to prosecute war criminals, including the white woman recently minted Director of CIA.

When questions of civility arise, perhaps we ought to consider just how we might answer such demand for civility that torture and white supremacism are not somehow uncivil.


Image note: Radical Centrism 101 — Detail of cartoon by Matt Lubchansky, via The Nib, 31 May 2017.

Divinely Buggy Infamy

#blameAdam | #thehashtag

Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 23 May 2018.If trying to explain everything amiss, askew, or awry about this panel seems an agonizing prospect, we can most certainly blame Adam.

Any other day I might have gone with panel two, but something about this makes me wonder at the four-panel comic strip version of The Aristocrats.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 23 May 2018.

A Picture of Two Bugs in a Bathroom

#parenting | #blameAdam

Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 21 May 2018.Yes, this is filed under Parenting.

No, this is not a mistake.

Yes, you may blame Adam, because that’s just how it goes.

And of course you want to know; that, too, is just how it goes.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 21 May 2018.

Nutty Buggery. Buggy Nuttery. Whatever.


'They Really Dropped the Balls' - Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 29 April 2018.Should occasion arise to suggest Eight Dollar Testicle is not #MyNextBandName, well, of course we can blame Adam. Kind of like Venkman and Jell-O, that way; there is always room to blame Adam. The eternal question, of course, is do bugs have nuts.

No, it isn’t.

Rule of thumb: When blaming Adam, the eternal question is whether you really, really want to know.

Of course you do.

And, Bugnuts. Now there’s a band name.


Image note: Detail of Bug Martini, by Adam Huber, 29 April 2018.

A Memo to James B. Comey, Jr.: Moral Fitness


"It's my duty to tell you that this man is morally unfit." Cartoon by Nick Anderson, 17 April 2018, via Daily Kos.


To: James B. Comey, Jr.

re: Moral fitness

I think we’ll go with: Gosh, thanks Jim.

To the one, sir, you simply cannot fail to recognize this is #WhatTheyVotedFor. To the other, either way, you are a little late in telling the rest of the world what we already know. Then again, the beeblebrox figures it unlikely you give a damn.


Image note: Cartoon by Nick Anderson, via Daily Kos, 17 April 2018.