class division

Your Quote of the Day (Bigot Bawling Breakdown Edition)

Detail of cartoon by Mr. Fish, 30 November 2014, via Clowncrack.

“Essentially they want to recapture an America that no longer exists, one that has white people at the center of the culture, on top of the world, secure in their place as the highest caste. That’s what they hear when he says he will ‘Make America Great Again.’ And that’s just not something that anyone deliver for them, not even Donald Trump.”

Heather Digby Parton

There is always a reason.

To wit, there is a reason why reading through Digby’s latest analysis of the Trump phenomenon should inspire recollection of Mr. Fish’s inquiry eighteen months ago.


Image note: Detail of cartoon by Mr. Fish, via Clowncrack, 30 November 2014.

Digby Parton, Heather. “Birtherism and bigotry: These are the vile impulses driving voters to Trump — stop thinking it’s anything else”. Salon. 3 June 2016.

Relativity (polo-tics mix)

Detail of 'Tom the Dancing Bug' by Ruben Bolling, 12 March 2015, via Daily KosNonetheless, it’s probably still a good question. You know how it goes.

(Detail of Tom the Dancing Bug, by Ruben Bolling, 12 March 2015, via Daily Kos Comics.)