
Dick on Goats

The only reason I’m running with a juvenile, insensitive, obviously overused joke for a headline like that is because there just isn’t much to Jason Dick’s note on Beltway colloquialisms insofar as quoting enough of it to tempt you to click and read would pretty much require reproducing the post. Nonetheless, if you ever felt screwed like punch-line livestock for taking part in our civic process, well, nobody can actually answer the question, though there are certainly table scraps in the trough of the public discourse.

Say what?At least I didn’t say, “Don’t let it get your goat.”



Right. Anyway … I mean … never mind.


Dick, Jason. “HOH Word of the Week: Goat, Goat Food”. Heard on the Hill. Roll Call. 28 December 2015.


'Man dies after police hogtie him at Mississippi concert': Headline for Reuters story by Karen Brooks, 21 July 2015, alongside a cow kissing a kitten; detail of screenshot dated 2 August 2015.

The headline reads, “Man dies after police hogtie him at Mississippi concert”.

Compelling, indeed, and a sad tale from Karen Brooks of Reuters.

And now here’s a picture of a cow kissing a kitten.

This incongruity is brought to you by the letter A, as in automation.
