flipping the bird

An Angel Giving You the Finger, and Other Notes


“Garterbelt, you keep slappin’ my butt around. Answer line: Freaky girl coming your way.”

TeddyLoin featuring Debra Zeer

You know, some days you just don’t feel like you’re in the groove, so you end up saying, “Here’s a list, read this.”


Here’s a list. Read this.

• Sally Kohn on “How the GOP Invented Elizabeth Warren”. (The Daily Beast)

• If you ever wondered how long Chris Christie would remain in consideration as a serious GOP presidential contender, Perry Bacon, Jr., explains how “Christie Faces Growing Doubts Within GOP About his 2016 Campaign”. (NBC News)

• Amanda Terkel notes that “Apple Breaks Ties With Anti-Gay Alabama Lobbyist”, which seems almost inevitable, when you think about it. (Huffington Post)

• Shaun King reports on the Lone Star Republic values after “Texas students flash ‘White Power’ signs at rival team, may have defecated on rival team bus”. (Daily Kos)

• Conservative family values advocacy takes another hit “MO’s Country Club Committee Meeting Goes Wrong for Republicans, Get Caught on Camera talking Choice”, and we know that one doesn’t work out quite right as a sentence; deal with it. (Daily Kos)

• And speaking of things that don’t work out quite right, Caitlin Dewey explains why “Pinterest deleted Rand Paul’s sexist and unfunny Hillary Clinton ‘parody'”. (Washington Post)

And now, Anarchy, just because:

Not a Bond Villain: Bugfinger

Detail of 'Bug Martini', by Adam Huber, 27 January 2015.No, really, any excuse to post another picture of a Bug flipping the bird.

Two birds.

And something about women and rainy days, except it’s snowing.

Never mind. Four-tier metajokes, as a rule, should be considered axiomatically bad ideas.

You’d think the same thing about eating disorder jokes, perhaps, but remember, this is the twenty-first century.

And, you know, it’s all in how you say it.

And, yeah, any ex post facto excuse for Tommy Shaw, too.


Huber, Adam. “If You Snow What’s Good for Ya”. Bug Martini. 27 January 2015.

A Lion Flipping Off a Turtle

Detail of 'Animal Nuz #2261 by Eric Lewis, 22 November 2014, via Daily Kos Comics.Because how can we resist?

(Detail of Animal Nuz #226 by Eric Lewis, 22 November 2014, via Daily Kos Comics.)