
Your Morning Metal (Male Supremacy)

Detail of cover art for 'Carnivore' by Carnivore, Roadrunner Records, 1985.

Look, this has always been hilarious more than anything else. I can actually give a nod to Tipper Gore herself for pointing the way to Carnivore, a band, as you might imagine, that horrified the moralists.

Carnivore, “Male Supremacy” (1985)


Awesome: The Bismarck

The Bismarck - Great PlainsIndependent rockers The Bismarck have offered a free preview of their new album, Great Plains, in its entirety. I highly recommend you take them up on it. Great Plains (Pride of Dakota Records), at first listen, is an awesome—as in, “awe-inspiring”—album counting down its last week until release (May 29).

No, really, I haven’t been this pleasantly surprised by some random album that I heard of through the blogosphere since … um … the blogosphere itself, I guess.

Seriously, these guys have my attention, and barring some obscene scandal like Nazi child molesting orgies or something, that’s a good thing. For me. I mean, for them? Well, who the hell am I? Except for the person telling you to go listen to this album right freaking now?

Yes, really.

Rock on.

(I should note, since I just now found it, that there is a really cool visualizer behind the cover art at The Bismarck’s site. Hover, click for the drop-down menu, and select something to go along with the music. Oh, yeah … and turn the volume way the hell up.)