Chrisitan hatred

A Note on Screeching Panicked Incoherence

Pino ... detail of frame from Ergo Proxy.

“Who thinks it’s a hard decision if some faggot wants you to make them a wedding cake? Anyone struggling with that right now?”

Pastor Steven Anderson

Yeah, so, when it comes to baiting hooks, yeah, that really did seem the quote to get you to stop, blink, and want to click the link to Curtis M. Wong’s report for Huffington Post.

And in a way, it seems one of the more difficult articles Mr. Wong has had to write, as its narrative is just a tumbling sense of, and then, and then, and then .... But we really shouldn’t blame the reporter for this; the homophobic narrative is well into its screeching panicked incoherence phase, and Pastor Anderson is one of the louder divas in the room. He hates women. He hates gays. And now he’s looking to pick fights with other Christians over who’s more Christian. And all because he can’t look himself in the mirror and admit the truth.

Here’s a tip for the office betting pool, if you have one: Reaction formation symptomatic of denial.


Image note: Pino―Detail of frame from Ergo Proxy.

Wong, Curtis M. “Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson Claims Anti-Gay Businesses Are ‘Destroying America’ By ‘Being Too Nice’ To LGBT Customers”. The Huffington Post. 12 May 2015.