Bob Beckel racist

The Problem With Bob Beckel

Chyron from FOX News, 14 July 2014

FOX News host Bob Beckel, described as the “token liberal” of the program, The Five is, in that context, a curious icon. Much like former Sen. Zell Miller (D-GA) demonstrated in 2004 just how low one must sink in order to satisfy Republicans, perhaps Beckel is a symbol of just how morally bankrupt one must be to satisfy the bosses at FOX News.

We heard last week of Beckel’s sinophobic rant, including an ethnic slur we haven’t heard much of for decades.

Now Bob wants you to know that he’s sorry if you were offended by what he said, but he’s not sorry for saying it:

During his apology, Beckel was nonspecific about what exactly he was apologizing for.

FOX News logo“I made some comments last week about Chinese people which apparently upset some people for which I apologize,” he said.

But he made it very clear his apology stopped there.

“I do not apologize for the things I said about China, and I won’t go into the litany of it now, because there are too many China apologists in this country,” he said. “But I will continue to warn the American people about how dangerous China is to the U.S. security and to our business community.

“But to those who were offended, I do apologize. I do not apologize to the Chinese government, or for the habits, or for the murders or anything else.”


We must also remember, however, that Beckel is the sort of “token liberal” whose job is to play the fool. Like the time in 2013, when he wondered, “When’s the last time you heard about rape on a college campus?”


One of Those Unsurprising Moments

Bob Beckel

So Alana Horowitz of The Huffington Post wants us to know:

Fox News host Bob Beckel used a racial slur in a rant about China on ‘The Five’ Thursday.

By … the … Goddess! How dare he!

“The Chinese are the single biggest threat to the national security of the U.S.,” he said. “They have been, they will be and they can wait, they’re very patient. Do you know what we just did? As usual, we bring them over here and we teach a bunch of Chinamen — er, Chinese people — how to do computers and then they go back to China and hack into us.”

The other ‘Five’ hosts gaped in disbelief.

“That is going to end up on ‘The Soup,'” Andrea Tantaros said.

Uh-huh. A brief note to Alana Horowitz: It’s FOX News.

To the one, it isn’t as if we have not learned to expect open bigotry from FOX News; to the other, well, yeah, as offenses go, “Chinamen” just ain’t that far up the list. That is to say, well, yeah, It’s FOX fucking News!

What more do we expect?


Horowitz, Alana. “Bob Beckel Uses Racial Slur On Live Television”. The Huffington Post. 10 July 2014.